MGAprime Q – Portable Stack Gas Analyser, MCERTS certified to T-CEMS

  • Certified to Transportable Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems(T-CEMS)
  • Operate according to EN 15267-4:2017, EN 14181, QCAL1, EN 14793
  • Covers NOx, CO, O2, CO2, SO2, N2O
  • Additional measurement for CH4, C3H8
  • Direct NOx measurement (NO+NO2) w/o NO2 Converter
  • Paramagnetic O2 measurement
  • Accurate SO2 measurements even with CH4 in sample gas
  • Integrated twin gas cooler keeps dew point stable even during harsh conditions
  • Numerous Interfaces and networking including remote control via WFI


The MGAprime Q is a portable Stack Gas Analyser  suitable for use with standard reference methods and for verifying and calibrating installed CEMS, according to the requirements of  the EN 14181. The MGAprime Q covers O2, CO, NOx, SO2 and N2O as part of its certification plus additional measurements for CH4, C3H8, CxHy

This measuring system is the world’s most compact solution that consists of a complete gas conditioning system with a heated gas sampling probe and line, and the analyser with integrated gas cooler and gas  analysis modules.

The analyser can simultaneously measure nine gas components (O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CH4, C3H8) as well as gas temperature, flow velocity with calculation of flow rate.

The gas components are measured with a paramagnetic sensor and innovative, infrared (NDIR) measurement technology. Measurements of SO2 and NOx meet the requirements of equivalence with the standard reference methods. This eliminates the need to use complex and costly technology such as a chemiluminescence detector with an upstream NO2 to NO converter.

The analytical technology is based on a drift-free and precise infrared measurement technique, where the cross-interferences of H2O and the measured gas components are compensated by software.

The large touch and swipe colour display enables easy, intuitive operation with a variety of graphic options. The measurement data can be transferred via LAN, WLAN, 4-20mA, RS485 and USB stick.



  • Direct NOx measurement (NO+NO2) w/o NO2 Converter
  • Paramagnetic O2 measurement
  • Accurate SO2 measurements even with CH4 in sample gas
  • Integrated twin gas cooler keeps dew point stable even during harsh conditions
  • Numerous Interfaces and networking including remote control via WFI


  • Regulatory compliance monitoring
  • verifying and calibrating installed CEMS, according to the requirements of BS EN 14181
  • Providing temporary back-up systems when permanent CEMS are not operating

Suitable for

  • IEG Large Combustion Plants
  • MCDP Medium Combustion Plants Directive
  • Small Combustion Plants


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MGAprime Q – Portable Stack Gas Analyser, MCERTS certified to T-CEMS