The EIUK PGS25e is a portable bench top electric pressure pump for industrial pressure calibration applications in ranges from -12.3 psi (-0.900 bar) up to 363 psi (25 bar).
It provides an effortless and quick way to generate pressure, with-out the need of a pressure source connected. It simply uses ambient air to generate and control pressure.
The PGS25e is ideal for all industrial pressure calibration applications which include calibration of pressure instruments such as pressure transmitters, digital and analogue pressure gauges, pressure switches, pressure sensors and virtually any other pressure instruments.
The PGS25e is extremely easy to use: simply select pressure or vacuum generation, turn on the pump and set the desired pressure test point by using the fine control, effortless with-out any manual effort.
This electric pump is equipped with 2 pressure ports, one for the unit under test and the second one for the reference instruments. It is compatible with all the pressure calibrators available in the market so you don’t need to purchase a new one.